Friday, September 21, 2018

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Humchuk 含蓄)

Ricky Luk,筆名含蓄,2012年香港大學建築設計碩士畢業。2014年全職生活,副職藝術創作。以插畫為主要媒介,參與不同類型的藝術項目如繪本創作,表演和裝置藝術。

Ricky Luk (Humchuk) graduated with a master’s degree in Architecture Design from The University of Hong Kong in 2012. In 2014, he started to make “life” as his full time career and to work as an artist. He uses illustration as a medium to participate in different art projects such as creative drawings, performance and installation art.

誰支撐著 這一切的發展我們的堅持 是從甚麼得到營養 又被甚麼滋潤著每個設計創作背後 都有值得傾聽的故事含蓄把他們串連畫在人的下半部這些故事都在支撐著每位創作者

Title: Here (1)
Who is supporting all this development?
What nourishes and nurtures our perseverance?

Behind every design,
there’s a story worth listening.

The stories were drawn at the lower half of bodies - acting as the support for artists here and there. 

每個人的想像 串連了城市和大自然無論多或少 都在努力 改變著當中的一切 PMQ 是設計創作的地標含蓄把天馬行空的世界畫在人的上半部他們相互牽連 代表著創作城市和大批自然的故事和關係

Title: Here (2)
Our imagination connects the city and nature.

No matter how much is left, we work hard to change it all.

PMQ is the creative design landmark

A world beyond imagination painted onto the upper half of bodies - intertwined with each other as creativity itself

A story of city and nature.  

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