Friday, September 21, 2018

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Prof Lee Tae Ho 李泰豪教授)

李泰豪教授為韓國多媒體藝術家及藝術評論家,同時是著名的公共藝術創作人。他同時擔任多個國際藝術項目的藝術總監,如釜山雙年展、Seoul - Asia Art NowKyung Hee Gallery、首爾駱山公共藝術企劃。

Lee Tae-ho is a multi-media artist and art critic and a renown public art practitioner. He has acted as the artistic director for International projects, including Busan Biennale, Seoul-Asia Art Now, the Kyung Hee Gallery, the Naksan Public Art Project in Seoul. He also teaches Fine Arts at Kyunghee University.

韓國藝術家李泰豪是著名的公共藝術創作人,今年六月,駐香港韓國文化院與 PMQ 元創方合作邀請了他來港為樓梯換上新裝。這次,他以色彩繽紛的蝴蝶為創作主題,充滿動感。

Title: Butterflies
Professor Lee Tae-Ho is a renowned public art practitioner from South Korea. In this past June, he was invited by the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and PMQ ito give this flight of stairs a brand-new look with vividly coloured butterflies.

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Stars & Tart)

Bibi Calvin Stars & Tart的設計師。Stars & Tart是一個充滿色彩的時裝及飾品品牌,將他們獨有的設計變為能穿搭的藝術品。Bibi Calvin 曾經在多個展覽展出他們的品牌和插圖作品,包括Paris Premiere Classe, Tokyo Designers Week, Shanghai Ontime Show 等。他們建立了一個歡樂可愛的文化並吸引了無數從世界各地而來的粉絲。

Bibi and Calvin are the designers of STARS & TART, a colourful fashion and accessories brand that focuses in creating wearable art of their unique illustrations. Bibi and Calvin have showcased their brand and illustrations to many exhibitions - Paris Premiere Classe, Tokyo Designers week, Shanghai Ontime show and etc. They have created a joyful culture of cuteness and have accumulated many fans from all over the world. 


Title: The Curious Galactic Meow
Once upon a time, there was a galactic cat. He was very curious and loved to collect special stars. The cat walked past PMQ and said, “This is an interesting place.” He decided to stay for a while so he could play around and have fun. Meow~

香港是一處中西文化薈萃的地方,而PMQ元創方把當中的創意濃縮在此。這幅畫作是以兩種自然現象風和雷為主。它們既不同又相同,風是溫柔,而雷是激烈的,但與此同時,它們又具有無窮的力量。這正與香港相同,每個人都有其獨特的面貌和想法,雖截然不同卻能匯聚成一股強大的力量。這股力量形成了Stars & Tart心目中的香港,因此用了自畫像的方式表達出來

Title: The Portrait of Wind & Thunder
This painting is a portrait of two natural phenomena, wind and thunder. The former is gentle and the latter is fierce but they both possess great power. It represents what Star & Tarts thinks of Hong Kong, a multicultural city with different thoughts and faces.

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Smile Maker)

「愛藝術,也愛看你的微笑。」Smile Maker 為香港本地藝術團隊,相信藝術能令人們的心靈和生活變得更美好。擅長運用牆壁及樓梯上的作品傳遞正能量,給社會一份微笑。

“We love Art and also love to see your smile.”
The Hong Kong local art collective, Smile Maker, believes Art can make our spirit and life better. Their goals are to spread positive messages and to bring a smile to the society through their art work on walls and stairs.

蛋撻除了是香港特色小食外,亦是Smile Maker「雞仔」於下午茶時段必吃的食物。這次「雞仔」特意為PMQ訂製了一個特大蛋撻,發現蛋撻除了可以吃之外,還可以用來浸浴,快來看看「雞仔」怎樣一邊浸浴一邊吃吧!

Title: A Delicious Bath

Egg tart is not only Hong Kong's local delicacy , but also Smilemaker Little Chick's favourite afternoon snack. This time, Little Chick has prepared an extra-large egg tart for PMQ, which can be used as a bathtub as well! Come and see Little Chick bathe and eat at the same time!

主題:豬仔( 我與雞蛋仔的距離)  
Smile Maker 深信「距離等於美」,平日較少吃到的食物總是最令人回味。因此,Smile Maker 「豬仔」誠意推介雞蛋仔給各位訪客。每一間雞蛋仔專門店都擁有其獨門秘方,到訪香港時記得一試!

Title: Love for food in distance

Smilemaker believes in the art of distance. The most unforgettable food experience is to try something that you rarely get to eat. So, Smilemaker Little Piggy would like to recommend egg waffles to all the tourists. Each egg waffle stall has its own secret recipe, remember to try  them all in Hong Kong!

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Sisi Li)

Sisi來自香港,現職自由插畫師及平面設計師。自小喜歡畫畫的她,在澳門理工學院工學院修讀平面設計系,畢業後從事品牌設計師,直到2012年,開始專心從事廣告、包裝、T-Shirt 和兒童繪本等插畫工作。她的畫風溫柔清雅,筆觸細膩,富有詩意,有點東方的神韻。喜歡用水彩、鋼筆抒發自己對世界的感覺。這兩年,Sisi 完成了聖˙馬丁路德藝術學院時裝插畫課程,倫敦的經歷擴闊她的視野,令她更加喜歡大自然,亦喜歡上風景畫。

Sisi’s illustration style is influenced by both Japanese manga art and traditional Chinese water painting, producing sharp graphic imagery, combined with a natural warmth in all her pieces. Her versatility with traditional and digital techniques gave her opportunities to work on a variety of commercial illustrations. Her love and passion for design has led her to England where she continued to develop her illustration and artistic style at Central Saint Martins. With her studies now completed, Sisi’s experience in London has broadened her horizon, developed a greater appreciation for mother nature and a new found love in landscape painting.

Sisi is a freelance graphic design artist and illustrator with a passion for ink and watercolour techniques. After studying graphic design at Macau Polytechnic Institute, Sisi worked as a brand designer. Since 2012, she began focusing on advertising, product packaging, fashions and children’s illustrations.


Title: Lotus

Kimochi is thinking how  can one be neither sad nor happy in the face of birth, aging and sickness. Kimochi is a fairy with the ability to change the plant on its head based on its feelings. This time,  the three lotuses grown represents, newborn, blooming and dying.


Title: Rain clouds

Every rain cloud is one of a kind, giving us three different little girls.

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Parents Parents)

四人香港藝術組合 Parents Parents 2012年成立,成員包括ChrisJimsonYsoo Wong Tin Yau。各成員涉獵於不同種類藝術。曾跟多個品牌到不同地方參與藝術創作,作品媒體由大型戶外塗鴉、live painting、餐廳壁畫、裝置藝術、聯名産品到平面設計等。Parents Parents 的作品嘗試於城市的混亂中探索,以尋找出奇怪不尋常的圖像。

Parents Parents is a Hong Kong creative arts group established in 2012. The collective consist of people with experience in graffiti, drawing and illustration. Their work ranges from large scale outdoor graffiti, live painting, restaurant wall paintings, installation art, collaborative products to graphic designs and etc. The core members of the collective - Chris, Jimson, Ysoo and Wong Tin Yau first met at the same school. Parents Parents’s work tries to find unusual images by exploring within the chaos of the city. Parents Parents hopes to spread their works and ideas on the streets or perhaps to people’s homes.


Parents Parents 名字的由來是因為他們喜歡50 年代的物品,剛好就是父母的父母的年輕時期,所以他們運用鐵皮機械人玩具作主要元素,配合誇張古怪的扭曲動作及強烈的對比色調,以幽默手法提醒行人小心梯級。

Title: Watch Your Step

The artist group is called "Parents Parents" because they love items from the 50's, which was also the adolescence of their parents' parents. They used the tin robot as the key element, with exaggerated movements and strong colour contrast to remind the pedestrians to watch their steps.

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Omni Art 旅塗)

Omni Art(旅塗)為本土藝術團體,由畢業於香港浸會大學的藝術系女生創立,亦是香港第一所地畫、壁畫、樓梯畫製作公司。渴望把想法帶進作品,並以不同方式呈現,希望日後在香港每一個地方都可看到她們的筆觸和夢想。

Omni Art is the first art group in Hong Kong to specialise in 3D stairs paintings, floor paintings, wall paintings and other creative art projects. The group was founded by two women graduates of Hong Kong Baptist University’s Visual Arts Academy. Sharing the same dream of making art creations everywhere, the young artists are eager to collaborate with the community, schools, commercials and different organizations.


Title: Candy Vending Machine
Material goods play a greater role in our lives as we age. However, the satisfaction gained from wealth is nothing, compared to the great childhood joy of getting colourful candies from the candy vending machine. 


Title: Pinball Machine

Living in Hong Kong is like living in a pinball machine. We get opportunities but we also face challenges. We move fast but we also stumble. Every pinball has its own path, so does every person in Hong Kong. We should always remember to take control of our own games and to hold our heads up high.

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Messy Desk)

李美欣 (Messy Desk),香港插畫家及藝術漫畫家。HKDI視覺傳意高級文憑畢業生,曾獲獎學金於巴黎高等文化藝術管理學院進修。因她畫風與歐式漫畫「BD」相近,而與法國結下不解緣。她曾獲法國出版社Na Edition 邀請前往安古蘭,參與全球第二大漫畫節,並贏得漫畫新秀獎。她亦被法國藝術雜誌《Get Freaky》賞識,於歐美各地舉辦展覧。

Jane Lee (Messy Desk) is an up-and-coming illustrator and comic artist based in Hong Kong. Her comic drawing style is similar to European’s “Bande Dessiné”. Messy Desk has a special bond with France. She was invited by Na Edition to attend the Angoulême International Comics Festival, the world’s second biggest comics festival, where she received an award as an up-and-coming comic artist. She was also recognized by the French Art Magazine, Get Freaky, and held exhibitions in France. Jane has exhibited in Europe and America.


Title: A Daydreaming City
The artwork was inspired by the crowdedness of Hong Kong. Planets and clouds represent imagination and the fond memories of our childhoods. The city is filled with different kinds of animals and characters but they all live happily together in harmony. The blue sky and clouds are set as the tone of the background.



Title: Marshmallow Planet

The houses are  made with all kinds of desserts, such as marshmallows, lollipops and ice-cream, sharing their sweetness with the city. Pink is the dreamy tone of this city’s sky.

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Joy of Madness)

Joyce Ho 2005年畢業於白英奇專業學院,修讀平面設計課程。她從小喜歡外國味重的插圖及瘋狂卡通,欣賞外國的瘋狂創意及強烈的用色,自此影響了往後的畫風。畢業後活躍於角色設計及插畫藝術活動等工作,喜歡創作怪獸角色,因為這些源自本身的創作力和幻想,不能在現實世界中看見。

Joyce Ho graduated from Caritas Bianchi College of Careers in 2005. She majored in 2D graphic design. When Joyce was a little girl, she took great interest in western style graphic designs and crazy-style cartoons. She admires their wild creativity and bold choices in mixing and matching colours, which continues to inspire her own designs. She likes designing monster characters because they come from her own creative world.


Title: Let Go and Relax
The artwork was inspired by the Chinese novel Journey to the West. Personification is used to illustrate the situation in which Monkey King was crushed by The Five Finger Mountain. The exhausted Monkey King was seeking for his Buddhist master, Tang Sanzang's help.
In reality, everybody carries a Five Finger Mountain, it can be a responsibility, an identity or some kind of attachment. We all hope to find our own Tang Sanzang, so we can let go and relax.

主題:Joy of Madness 的誕生   
自小Joyce 就很喜愛幻想瘋狂古怪的事情,亦很鍾情於日本卡通怪獸造型的模型公仔及插畫。結果長大後,仍然樂於繪畫設計各類古怪造型的怪獸公仔。所以她繪畫了三隻怪獸合力去「捽」神燈,最後Joy of Madness這個招牌三眼小子就因此而誕生。

Title: The Birth of Joy of Madness

Ever since Joyce was young, she enjoyed imagining all sorts of craziness in life and she admired Japanese cartoon monster figures and illustrations. Thus, the very reason why she is fond of designing and drawing various types of monster characters. In her artwork, there are three monsters rubbing the oil lamp, and it is how Joy of Madness' signature three-eyed monster was born.

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Humchuk 含蓄)

Ricky Luk,筆名含蓄,2012年香港大學建築設計碩士畢業。2014年全職生活,副職藝術創作。以插畫為主要媒介,參與不同類型的藝術項目如繪本創作,表演和裝置藝術。

Ricky Luk (Humchuk) graduated with a master’s degree in Architecture Design from The University of Hong Kong in 2012. In 2014, he started to make “life” as his full time career and to work as an artist. He uses illustration as a medium to participate in different art projects such as creative drawings, performance and installation art.

誰支撐著 這一切的發展我們的堅持 是從甚麼得到營養 又被甚麼滋潤著每個設計創作背後 都有值得傾聽的故事含蓄把他們串連畫在人的下半部這些故事都在支撐著每位創作者

Title: Here (1)
Who is supporting all this development?
What nourishes and nurtures our perseverance?

Behind every design,
there’s a story worth listening.

The stories were drawn at the lower half of bodies - acting as the support for artists here and there. 

每個人的想像 串連了城市和大自然無論多或少 都在努力 改變著當中的一切 PMQ 是設計創作的地標含蓄把天馬行空的世界畫在人的上半部他們相互牽連 代表著創作城市和大批自然的故事和關係

Title: Here (2)
Our imagination connects the city and nature.

No matter how much is left, we work hard to change it all.

PMQ is the creative design landmark

A world beyond imagination painted onto the upper half of bodies - intertwined with each other as creativity itself

A story of city and nature.  

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Deep)

Deep 畢業於香港知專設計學院,現職平面設計師,從小熱愛繪畫,擅長融合黑白、樹、鬼神類的題材於畫中。其畫風屬小眾口味,所以近年開始進攻壁畫一途,如餐廳、店舖等逐步將畫作滲透於生活之中,希望作品更貼近日常。

Graduated from the Hong Kong Design Institute, Deep Rao works as a graphic designer. His passion for drawing and painting began at a young age, and he is particularly good at integrating subjects - black and white, trees, spirits and ghosts into his creations. His artwork found resonance within the niche market. In recent years, he has started to do mural painting in restaurants and retail shops as a way to combine art and daily life, which would help share his creations with more people.


Title: Dash
Designers are like martial artists. With a ruler, a pencil and a compass in hand, they overcome challenges to promote their ideas in the design industry. “While it only takes a decade to grow a tree, it takes a century to nurture a talent.” The tree takes time to grow its way up the stairs. However, every step poses a greater challenge for the designers to climb. With the nutrients provided by the tree and the designers' effort, they will eventually be able to reach the top.

香港在世界地圖上只是個微小的地方,卻能在世界舞台上發光發亮。夜景五光十色;美食包羅萬有;建設世界頂尖;高樓櫛比鱗次。就像一碗雲吞麵一樣,麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。Deep 把這些香港獨有的元素全都放在碗中。

Title: Wonton Noodles
Hong Kong is a tiny but well-known city that radiates brightly on the world stage. With a stunning night view, wide selections of gourmet food and world-famous architectures, this collection of skyscrapers resembles a bowl of wonton noodles - small, but complete. Thus, all these significant features were placed into the bowl.