Deep 畢業於香港知專設計學院,現職平面設計師,從小熱愛繪畫,擅長融合黑白、樹、鬼神類的題材於畫中。其畫風屬小眾口味,所以近年開始進攻壁畫一途,如餐廳、店舖等…逐步將畫作滲透於生活之中,希望作品更貼近日常。
Graduated from the Hong Kong Design Institute, Deep Rao works as a graphic designer. His passion for drawing and painting began at a young age, and he is particularly good at integrating subjects - black and white, trees, spirits and ghosts into his creations. His artwork found resonance within the niche market. In recent years, he has started to do mural painting in restaurants and retail shops as a way to combine art and daily life, which would help share his creations with more people.
Title: Dash
Designers are like martial artists. With a ruler, a pencil and a
compass in hand, they overcome challenges to promote their ideas in the design
industry. “While it only takes a decade to grow a tree, it takes a century to
nurture a talent.” The tree takes time to grow its way up the stairs. However,
every step poses a greater challenge for the designers to climb. With the nutrients
provided by the tree and the designers' effort, they will eventually be able to
reach the top.
香港在世界地圖上只是個微小的地方,卻能在世界舞台上發光發亮。夜景五光十色;美食包羅萬有;建設世界頂尖;高樓櫛比鱗次。就像一碗雲吞麵一樣,麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。Deep 把這些香港獨有的元素全都放在碗中。
Title: Wonton Noodles
Kong is a tiny but well-known city that radiates brightly on the world stage. With a
stunning night view, wide selections of gourmet food and world-famous
architectures, this collection of skyscrapers resembles a bowl of wonton
noodles - small, but complete. Thus, all these significant features were placed
into the bowl.
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