Friday, September 21, 2018

HONG KONG ON STEPS - Tales of Our City (Artist: Stars & Tart)

Bibi Calvin Stars & Tart的設計師。Stars & Tart是一個充滿色彩的時裝及飾品品牌,將他們獨有的設計變為能穿搭的藝術品。Bibi Calvin 曾經在多個展覽展出他們的品牌和插圖作品,包括Paris Premiere Classe, Tokyo Designers Week, Shanghai Ontime Show 等。他們建立了一個歡樂可愛的文化並吸引了無數從世界各地而來的粉絲。

Bibi and Calvin are the designers of STARS & TART, a colourful fashion and accessories brand that focuses in creating wearable art of their unique illustrations. Bibi and Calvin have showcased their brand and illustrations to many exhibitions - Paris Premiere Classe, Tokyo Designers week, Shanghai Ontime show and etc. They have created a joyful culture of cuteness and have accumulated many fans from all over the world. 


Title: The Curious Galactic Meow
Once upon a time, there was a galactic cat. He was very curious and loved to collect special stars. The cat walked past PMQ and said, “This is an interesting place.” He decided to stay for a while so he could play around and have fun. Meow~

香港是一處中西文化薈萃的地方,而PMQ元創方把當中的創意濃縮在此。這幅畫作是以兩種自然現象風和雷為主。它們既不同又相同,風是溫柔,而雷是激烈的,但與此同時,它們又具有無窮的力量。這正與香港相同,每個人都有其獨特的面貌和想法,雖截然不同卻能匯聚成一股強大的力量。這股力量形成了Stars & Tart心目中的香港,因此用了自畫像的方式表達出來

Title: The Portrait of Wind & Thunder
This painting is a portrait of two natural phenomena, wind and thunder. The former is gentle and the latter is fierce but they both possess great power. It represents what Star & Tarts thinks of Hong Kong, a multicultural city with different thoughts and faces.

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