Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hong Kong on Steps

Artist: Pokke104

Pokke104 left her job in the advertising agency and decided to participate in the “Art Festival in Okinawa” in 2003. Thereafter, she started her artist career as an illustrator and won the Suntory Museum prize in 2006. Since then, she has undertaken a wide variety of activities in various fields, including illustrations for TV commercials, corporate advertising campaigns, live painting shows, mural painting, multi-media projects creating illustrations for music videos, projection mappings and textile designs. In her spare time, she conducts art workshops for kids. Pokke104  has created a name for herself as a reputable artist and well known in Japan and overseas. Recently, she participated in the creation of mural paintings for a retail store in Italy and also held workshops and live painting shows in London, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Her artwork was inspired by Okinawan culture and nature, in particular the colors from the coral reef and lines from Banyan trees (in Okinawa the tree is very popular and known as “GAJUMARU”). 

Pokke1042003年辭去廣告公司的工作,並參與「Art Festival in Okinawa」。自此之後,她以插畫家身份投身藝術界,並於2006年贏得三得利博物館獎項。隨後參與不同類型的項目,包括為廣告插畫、企業廣告宣傳活動、現場繪畫、壁畫,以及參與多媒體項目如創作音樂錄影帶、投射繪圖及布料設計。在作以外,她亦有舉辦專為小朋友而設的藝術工作坊。Pokke104憑著備受讚譽的作品,於日本及海外享負盛名。她最近分別參與多個項目,包括為意大利一家零售商店創作壁畫,以及於倫敦、台灣及香港開辦工作坊及進行現場繪畫表演。她的藝術風格帶有濃厚的沖繩自然氣息,深受當地自然文化的啟發,由珊瑚的色彩到沖繩「GAJUMARU樹」的葉子線條,都是她的靈感泉源。
Every time I visit Hong Kong, I am attracted and captivated by the scenery and culture of Hong Kong. Brimming with energy, her colors fill me with a strong, living power. The motifs drawn on each floor I created out of my impressions and images on powerful and lively Hong Kong. I believe that people, creatures, cultures and all other kind of things are united or tied to each other with an invisible power (or with strings of ”縁”). Thus, I have created a space of “FUSION” by sensing and experiencing the two different spaces - one of my home country Japan, and the other in this attractive place, Hong Kong. 