Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hong Kong on Steps

Artist: Ceet Fouad

CEET is a regular artist-in-residence at the vast paradisiacal art estate in Marrakech called “Jardin Rouge”. His work has been exhibited in galleries around Asia and Europe, including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, France, Belgium, and Austria. He is a prolific artist and has experimented with different media, using acrylics, oil paint, pens, markers, metal paints and sprays more familiar to street artists. The result is a richly textured and saturated surface which successfully evokes emotions of endearment and fun in his vibrant canvases. In one of CEET’s art pieces he humanizes a chicken to portray emotions and personalities. Through his colourful and humorous approach, this chicken represents how modern society is bringing up “followers” who are afraid to stand out as individuals and “chicken-out”.

CEET是摩洛哥藝術地帶 Jardin Rouge」的駐場藝術家,他的作品曾於亞洲及歐洲各地畫廊進行展覽,包括中國、香港、新加坡、法國、比利時及奧地利。CEET的作品繁多,涵蓋不同媒介創作,從塑膠彩及油彩、畫筆、馬克筆、金屬漆及街頭藝術家常用的噴漆。他的作品往往層次豐富,感覺飽和,喚起觀眾心中的愛和歡樂情感。CEET其中一個作品透過筆下人性化的小雞,以幽默的手法批判現今社會大眾鼓吹隨波逐流,使人變得失去個性及性格膽怯。 
CEET’s chickens are an iconic part of his style. CEET never knew he would become a painter when he grew up, and now he paints his iconic chickens in different parts of the world wherever he goes. At first people didn’t pay much attention to his chickens, but he kept on drawing them, and now people appreciate them as part of his unique style. In the staircase painting of Bruce Lee, CEET hopes to breathe new life into Bruce Lee with chickens on his head, bringing forth a positive sensation to the audience. With his chickens and their vibrant colours, he hopes to bring laughter and happiness to people around the world when they see his paintings.
CEET 所繪的小雞正是他的獨特風格。他小時候從未想過會當上藝術家,然而現在他的小雞作品已遍佈曾踏足的地區。最初人們並沒有留意他的作品,但他從未放棄,最終使這種獨有風格廣為人知。CEET把眾多小雞圍繞在李小龍的頭上,希望以鮮豔的色彩和小雞帶給觀眾新鮮感,把歡笑傳播給來自世界各地的觀眾。