Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hong Kong on Steps

Artist: BrainRental

BrainRental-Lab was founded by CHU, KEVIN and ROGER in 2012. The trio majored in Industrial and Product Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, sharing a passion for art, design and illustrations from two-dimensional to three-dimensional objects. Inspired by the absurdities of modern Hong Kong metropolitan life, they formed BrainRental-Lab to transfuse these perceptions by creating and experimenting with ironic and humorous concepts to ignite curiosity in the minds of their audience.

BrainRental-Lab (大腦出租) CHUKEVIN ROGER 2012年創立。三人均於香港理工大學修讀產品設計,並且熱愛藝術、設計和繪畫,通過平面插畫以至立體創作將概念形象化。他們以香港現代大都會的荒誕面為靈感,進行不同類型的創作和實驗,加以幽默反諷,藉此引發觀眾的好奇心。
“Dialogue” is a way of communication between two or more people; it is a way to exchange information, ideas and feelings amongst one another. We believe that “Dialogue” is the most direct way to deliver a welcome message to people from around the world. We would like to take this as the starting point of our artwork. The idea is to re-create the Hong Kong cityscape, cultural features and human behaviour as the foundation of the artwork; the dialogue bubble will be roaming around the city. It is about sharing and exchanging thoughts in our city, with our people and eventually creating a connection between Hong Kong’s people and visitors.
Dialogue(對話)是一種由兩人或多個人參與的互動溝通方式。我們希望透過作品與世界各地的遊客直接對話,把「歡迎!」的訊息傳遞開去。 我們的作品 “City Dialogue” 就是由對話開始。 以城市景觀、文化特色和生活習慣為對話基礎,讓不同的對話泡泡遊走於我們用插畫所拼貼而成的城市中,表達這個鼓勵分享和共享的城市。 希望世界各地旅客從而跟香港文化建構起一個溝通的連接點。